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Sleepy Owl Hanging Decoration

Felt Owl

You will need:

Wool felt

Sewing thread

Wool fleece stuffing

Sewing needle


1. Cut out 2 owl shaped bodies, 2 wings and 2 eyes as shown in the photo.

2. Using dark sewing thread, make a single horizontal stitch to attach the closed eyes onto one of the body pieces. Make sure the stitch is finished off securely at the back.

3. Sew a triangular shaped beak with a yellow or orange colour thread.

Stitch flecks on the owl’s tummy in a dark thread.

4. Now match up the second body piece with the front and sew together with blanket stitch until you are almost all the way around. Fill with a little wool fleece and then finish sewing up.

5. Attach a wing piece onto each side leaving the bottom of it detached.

6. Sew on a thread to hang your owl onto a winter branch or Christmas Tree.